Thursday 15 November 2012

Sweet Cakes and Roses Begins

Hi and welcome to Sweet Cakes and Roses, where you can learn all about the boring life of me, Keely! Sometimes I'll be funny, sometimes serious, sometimes even sobbing out about this cruel, cruel life. So be there for me, after all, life isn't a rose garden! I dedicate this blog to my friends who have been there for me:
  • Gloria P.
  • Eve N.
  • Susi L.
  • Annie-Jo V.
  • Anna M.
  • and above all, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who has saved from sin! I'll will forever love Him and my friends. They made this blog possible!! I love you all so much!!
I will post (hopefully) often with photos, recipes and other trivial things in my life!

Hugs to all! Keely

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