That's all I wanted to say.
Okay, so obviously that I'm here, I'm not going to waste it on two lines. I found a really cool online game called, Draw a Stickman, and I took snaps of my adventures, so here it is:
The Adventures of Stickman and Someone who really can't Draw. :)
Then a box appears out of nowhere. WOW! Magic! What's that in his hand? Yes, that is a key. Don't judge.
The key fits! Another box tied to a balloon floats out. Let's draw a balloon in Stickman's hand to see what happens.
What?? The balloon just turned into a dragon egg! What's going on here??? Everything's burning! Yes, that is an egg. No, it's not an extra leg for a mutant spider.
Yeah! We killed the dragon. Now to put out the fire. I love drawing rain clouds. Who cares that I still draw them the exact way I did when I was 3.
That's a drain down the bottom. To suck the sharks away. Because it rained too much.Bit of unnecessary explaining.
Then the sharks get sucked away, and Stickman lives happily ever after, ready for his next adventure.
Ready for adventure two? Let's go!
Stickman comes to a tree and hears people calling for help. Let's draw a ladder!
Oh no! A tiger! Let's make Stickman a tiger costume. I know it looks like a beaver, but trust me, it's a tiger.
Some stupid alarms go off and wake the tiger up. Thankfully, we look like a tiger.
Whoops! Some birds came out the hole and brushed off our costume. Now the tiger is mad and trying to get us! Let's splash him with some water.
Handy, an elevator up this tree. Let's draw a heavy weight. Ain't nothin' heavier than a black hole.
Drat you Beaver!!!
Quick! Make this box into a plane that could never fly!
Whoops, the tree fell over. Betta go back.
Yay, you save the little stick people, and the dragon, which was originally dead, comes back to life to burn the tree down and keep you warm this winter.
But, all in all, this game is really fun and pretty hilarious. Also, there's an app, which I'm going to play.
See you!
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