Monday 28 October 2013

A Fascinator!!

Hi guys!
I have recently just discovered the exciting world of fascinators. I don't know about you, but usually I hate wearing hats and fascinators and pretty much everything to put in your hair, but recently, I was at my favourite store, and they had fascinators!
I just fell in love with them! They had two different kinds - one was kind of like a clown hat with flowers, which I didn't like (do you like clown hats? Let me know in the comments!) and this one which is like a net with feathers.

It's kind of hard to see here (bad camera and also a selfie), but it's pretty.

It holds on by a clip. I'm not sure what the real name for it is, but I call it a barette clip. If you know let ME know in the comments!

Have a splendid day and stay tuned for more posts  about cakes and the Bendigo Show!

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