Monday 25 November 2013

Giveaway and Bendigo Show

No, It's not mine. A magazine that I'm subscribed to for Christian girls is having a giveaway. Even if you haven't subscribed, enter, because you can win a year's subscription! I totally recommended the magazine. It always has helpful articles about walking with Christ, honouring your parents... etc. So go enter here!

Now, I know this is rather late, because the Bendigo Show was in October, and it's almost December (!) but, here are the details. Very Picture Heavy sorry!

I made a cake, racing cars because I thought, I need the practice, what with having little brothers!

 But unfortunately, I didn't win!!

All of my family, including Omi (German for Grandma) and Sandra, a family friend came along. It was a lot of fun! We haven't been anywhere as a family, for at least 1 and a half years!

 We saw lots of chickens and ducks!

 Jess and Breanna
I thought this was the perfect shot of my favourite pony, but then when I uploaded it, I saw Jess' head! Urgh!

Rides, kites and more rides...
And then after riding on the rides, getting show bags, and seeing everything, we went home. Sorry, about the lack of pictures, my camera ran out of batteries, twice,so I didn't have any more!
So you around! Keely

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