Saturday 18 January 2014

Dairy free Caramel Chocolates

Okay, this isn't really a "recipe" as such, it's too easy! But I made this the other day when Bendigo had 40 degrees, and my family loved it! When I'm making up recipes, I don't tend to measure things out. So, I'll write down what I did, and if you want, I can measure it out. Here it is.

  • In a glass bowl, pour in chocolate chips. I use Enjoy Life mini semi-sweet choc chips, because they are allergy-friendly. Put in the microwave or over a double boiler on the stove and melt.
  • Once melted, pour  into mold about a third of the way, and using a pastry brush, wipe the chocolate up the sides. I wouldn't  advise using shaped molds, just because they might turn out funny. I use ice cubes trays.
  • While the chocolate is in the fridge, get out either coconut sugar, or brown sugar and nuttelex or butter. I haven't used brown sugar and butter before, but it should work. In a saucepan over a medium heat, melt the sugar and nuttelex until combined.
  • Take chocolate out of the fridge (it should be firm) and pour in the caramel sauce about a third of the way. Put it back in the fridge.
  • The caramel should have a bit of a skin over the top before you go any futher. Once this has happened, melt down some more chocolate. Then spoon a little over the top of the caramel. You only need a little!
  • Put it back in the fridge until firm, and then eat!

This isn't the picture of them, but you get the idea. They look like chocolate ice cubes.
If you make them, let me know and send me pictures!

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